It is estimated that up to 90% of racehorses, 75% of sport horses, and 60% of show and pleasure horses suffer from stomach ulcers.
Does your horse show any of the following signs?
- Poor appetite
- Dry, dull coat
- Poor condition
- Behavioural vices: crib-biting, wind-sucking, irritability
- Mild colic signs
- Poor performance
- NOTE: Up to 50% of horses with stomach ulcers may not show any outward signs
DATE: Friday the 18th of MAY
LOCATION: 273 Oura Road, Wagga Wagga (@ REVS)
COST: $100 per horse (includes clinical exam, sedation, gastric scope + dental exam) - these services would normally cost in excess of $350. Appointments are half an hour in length.
Please note: All horses will need to have no feed for 12 hours, and no water for 6 hours prior to being scoped.
Book an appointment on 0422 154 301